I became anxious, apprehensive he will abandon me or cherish me less.I held his shirt,
and I was shaking he held me near and told me everything will be fine I felt secure
and looked into his eyes he gave a side grin. I told him I murdered my newborn because my ex-
lover said he was not prepared to welcome a child. I could see the grin steadily blurring off
from Labi’s face he was in stun. I told him it was not my intention to murder the child, but I could not bear
the truth that my ex-lover deserted my child even before birth . I told him I felt soothed
after telling him this, and it was the reason I have mood swings. I’m a changed individual I said, and such
can’t happen again. Labi kept staring at me he told me he understands but his face was
passive and I can’t say if he was happy or sad.