⚠️CONTENT WARNING: The passage you are about to read is a true life story of a victim that committed suicide due to rejection from the woman he loves as a result of his health issues. This content might be disturbing to some readers.
It is a ritual in my writings to share true life stories and provide emotional support. (Emotional support will be given at the end of the story). . . . . . .
The thought of dying occurred to me again,

Picture source: Stocksnap
and taking Sniper, but the pain I went through when I consumed the liquid prior scares me. (I hate that feeling!). I thought to myself; if one bottle of Sniper did not kill me, two bottles will kill me if I try again. I could not think of any other poisonous liquid except Sniper. I called few people important in my life; most of them were surprised to hear from me since I haven’t called them in a while. I also responded to my chats on social media, which I have always been ignoring for a long time and also updated my status. I wrote: “I WILL MISS YOUR CHATS”. I folded my clothes neatly and

Photo credit: Freepik.com
arranged my room. I went to the barbershop to have a hair cut, and I also visited some friends close by. Life felt good in those moments.
On my way home, I felt satisfied I could say my final goodbye, which was unknown to people I came in contact with. I got two bottles of Sniper, instead of one. I met my sister in the house when I arrived (if she is in the house with me, I won’t achieve what I intend to do) I thought of an idea and walked up to her. I requested she get me some snacks. The reason I told her is- I have been craving for snacks and forgot to get some when coming home (She gladly offered to help me get them). Immediately she stepped out, I quickly entered my room, and looked around before settling on my bed. It occurred to me that I need to take the Sniper before my sister returns. I brought the bottles out from my bags where I kept them carefully. I opened the first bottle and gulped a lot until I finished it. I quickly opened the second bottle, and gulped. I could not finish the liquid in the second bottle because I could no longer control myself. I started having the feeling I had when I took the Sniper the first time I tried it (I became restless and struggled for breath). At this moment, I was already on the floor. I reached out for my pen and quickly tore a page from the book close to my bed. I threw up and moan painfully. I wrote on the paper; “I am sorry”. Everything became blurry. I kept moaning painfully and became helpless…
When I came home with my brother’s snacks,

Photo credit: Freepik.com
I did not find him in the sitting room. I called his name severally, but no response. His door was partially opened. I do not want to invade his privacy, I just informed him I got his snacks but there was no response (which is unusual). Whenever my brother sends me on errands, he hardly relaxes; he would pace around until I get back and see him doing so. I walked towards the half-opened door and pushed it gently while calling his name. Behold! I found my brother on the floor. His eyes were wide opened. I screamed and ran towards him. To my surprise, I found two bottles of Sniper beside him. ‘He is dead! I lost my brother! I should have refused his errand if I had known this will happen,”

Photo credit: Freepik.com
I said to myself in tears.’
(May his kind soul rest in peace. Amen!)